Complaints offer us an opportunity to review practices, clarify procedures to others and/or make changes.  As such they are an important part of continuing to strive to be the best food bank possible.

Any complaint will be reviewed.  Efforts will be made to resolve the complaint at the most immediate level.


  1. Complaints will be brought to the attention of the Executive Director who will review and make efforts to resolve the matter.

A log will be kept of any complaints and reviewed by the Board at its regular meeting.  Depending on the issue, the Executive Director may find it useful to advise the Board more immediately:  this could be driven by accusations of sexual abuse, threats of media notification, malfeasance, etc.  

  1. If the complainant wishes to pursue the matter further, they will be provided with this procedure to assist them with the process.
  1. A complaint would next be brought to the Executive Committee of the Board and an in-person or telephone meeting held between the complainant and the Executive Committee member.  The matter may be resolved as part of that discussion or it may be brought to the Executive Committee for further review.  The complainant would be given a response in writing in the language of their choice.
  1. Should the complainant wish to take the complaint further, Feed Ontario would be contacted for their review and decision-making.  Their final decision and/or corrective actions would be provided in writing to the Pantry and to the complainant.


Aurora Food Pantry 905 841-1577

Board Executive 905 841-1577    or

Feed Ontario 416 656-4100    or 

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